Re: [ Creed Discuss ] Michiganders (Inside Joke-you might not get it if you're not from MI)

From: "Megan" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Sun
2 Feb 2003 20:18:09 -0800 (PST)

Yeah, I stayed in Augusta, Georgia for three weeks with my friend.  We were visiting her fiance, who was in AIT (army stuff) at Fort Gordon.  I loved it there...except for the palmetto (sp?) bugs...  And for any of you listers who don't know what that is, consider yourself lucky.  It's like a giant cockroach that crawls up walls and ceilings and flys down at you.  They're harmless, but these were like 2-3 inches long and kept launching ariel attacks at us, while we were in bed.  They really freaked us out.  They can't fly UP, but they crawl up walls and such and fly DOWN.  They're pretty icky and they WON'T FUCKING DIE!!!!  If you've been to Augusta, Kim, or anyplace like that, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  I still have Georgia in consideration.  And Augusta's a big city with lots of culture (well, a good ratio of blacks and whites, anyway).  Plus, it's close to Fort Gordon, and maybe my boyfriend could be stationed there, instead of Flint.  He's a scout for the National Guard.  I don't know if they can be stationed somewhere else, but that would be nice.  Cause I hate Michigan.  I could probably deal with a few Palmettos...  But not dangerous spiders.  I'm not afraid of spiders.  But I don't want to be bit by a poisoness one, or have them crawling on me.  I heard that black widows crawl in shoes and people usually get bit that way because they don't look before putting on their shoes...ick!


 Kimberly Reid <> wrote:

We almost moved to the Augusta, GA area several years ago when my husband had a job offer there (great job area, too, if either of you are into Nuclear Power Generation, heh).  It is right on the border of SC and GA.  I believe it is not a whole lot longer than an hour to the beach from there. 

I also know of an underrated beach-----Galveston, TX.  It is basically "Houston Beach, Texas", IMO, and I really love that part of the country.  I've never been to Corpus Christi, but it seems like it would be a really great place, too. 

----Original Message Follows----
From: Megan
I really want to live in a place that never gets below, say 45 or 50 degrees and never, or at least RARELY snows. I hate the cold and I hate snow and ice and all that wintery Michigan crap even more. Any suggestions for those requirements. Oh, and earthquake-y places, such as California, are not an option. I'd like to be within a few hours driving distance of an ocean. I don't want to live in Nevada, like my bro who lived in Las Vegas for three years, because I like water too much, like lakes you can swim in and stuff. Keep helping me think, Kim. You've obviously done more traveling and exploring than I have, and I would really appreciate hearing more about places you (AND ANY OTHER CREED-LISTERS) have been to and stayed in for awhile. I'm thinking southern, not only due to the weather, but also because I want to live in a very friendly, community-oriented town. But I don't want to be more than an hour from a mall or something so I can shop or whatever I need to do. PLEASE HELP, list-members! Oh, and I refuse to move out of the United States. It's too expensive; plus, I don't want to change governments-too complicated. Thanks!

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